To understand the high-low method, first, we need to understand management accounting. The high-low method is used in the field of management accounting, which is an essential part of accounting. The company approves a 5% pay raise at the start of each year and expects that work hours will be 20,000 for the next quarter considering the new hires. The accountant at an events management company is preparing a payroll budget based on costs from the past year.

This means that businesses will need to repeat the high-low modelling exercise periodically to refresh the figures. Using the maintenance cost data from Regent Airlines shown in Figure 2.32, we will examine how this method works in practice. The high-low method is easy to use, understand, and quick to work around. Although this is a really easy and understandable method, there are a few shortcomings to this method that make it less practical. Pick either the highest or lowest level of activity and fill in what we know.

  1. For mixed costs, that are also called semi-variable cost, they refer to costs that have a mixture of fixed and variable components.
  2. A cost is an expense needed to sell, create or acquire assets for a product or service.
  3. If you want to double-check if the equation is correct, try computing for other months and check if your answer and the total client support costs are the same.

This makes sense as snow removal costs are linked to the amount of snow and the number of flights taking off and landing but not to how many hours the planes fly. J&L can now use this predicted total cost figure of $11,750 to make decisions regarding how much to charge clients or how much cash they need to cover expenses. Again, J&L must be careful to try not to predict costs outside of the relevant range without adjusting the corresponding total cost components. J&L wants to predict their total costs if they complete 25 corporate tax returns in the month of February. Management accounting involves decision-making, planning, coordinating, controlling, communicating, and motivating.


Fixed costs are monthly expenses that do not change depending on the level of production. Rent, depreciation, interest on loans, and lease charges are all examples. Variable costs will change depending on the number of units you’re producing. Unlike fixed costs, variable costs will increase when producing more units and decrease when you produce fewer.

By only requiring two data values and some algebra, cost accountants can quickly and easily determine information about cost behavior. Also, the high-low method does not use or require any complex tools or programs. When creating the scatter graph, each point will represent a pair of activity and cost values. Maintenance costs are plotted on the vertical axis (Y), while flight hours are plotted on the horizontal axis (X). For instance, one point will represent 21,000 hours and $84,000 in costs.

High Low Method

We should be really careful when choosing the data for calculation with this tool, as any small mistake can lead to an inaccurate result. However, to identify these costs, we need to observe the cost behaviors strongly. An example of a relevant cost is future cost and opportunity cost, whereas irrelevant cost is sunk cost and committed cost.

This is standard practice with costs that relate to contracts for goods or services. Where Y is the total mixed cost, a is the fixed cost, b is the variable cost per unit, and x is the level of activity. The company wants to know the rate at which its electricity cost changes when the number of machine hours change.

The high-low method may produce inaccurate results since it only considers two extreme data points, which may not be representative of other data points. It can also be unreliable because it’s possible that the highest and lowest points are outliers. For the months from June to August, the actual costs are always higher than the computed costs. These variances can stem from different causes, and every business manager should look at the variances. Highest activity level is 21,000 hours in Q4.Lowest activity level is 15,000 hours in Q1.

To demonstrate how a company would use a scatter graph, let’s turn to the data for Regent Airlines, which operates a fleet of regional jets serving the northeast United States. The Federal Aviation Administration establishes guidelines for routine aircraft maintenance based upon the number of flight hours. As a result, Regent finds that its maintenance costs vary from month to month with the number of flight hours, as depicted in Figure 2.29. Waymaker Furniture has collected cost information from its production process and now wants to predict costs for various levels of activity.

Similar to management accounting, cost accounting is the process of allocating costs to cost items, which often comprise a business’s products, services, and other activities. Cost accounting is useful because it can show where a company spends money, how much it earns, and where it loses money. Divide the numerator by the denominator to get an estimated cost of $1.23 per unit. The main disadvantage of the high-low method is that it oversimplifies the relationship between cost and production activity by only taking the highest and lowest data points into account. If you or anyone in your company possesses statistical and data analysis skills, go for regression analysis and make use of other sophisticated methods like linear programming.

A business organization might be paying $500 monthly just to keep the light and buildings operating at minimal level. However, if the production level increases, the electricity bill will be higher than the minimum subscription fee. For fixed costs, they refer to the costs that remain the same regardless the output level. However, for variable costs, they refer to costs that increases as the number of output increases.

High-low Method vs Regression Analysis

In addition to that, the high-low method allows companies to identify the cost structure, or cost model, for the goods they are producing. Estimation is also useful for using current data to predict the effects of future changes in production on total costs. Three estimation techniques that can be used include the scatter graph, the high-low method, and regression analysis. Here we will demonstrate the scatter graph and the high-low methods (you will learn the regression analysis technique in advanced managerial accounting courses. The high-low method in accounting is the simplest and easiest way to separate mixed costs into their fixed and variable components. By using this method, we observe only the highest and lowest points in the data set with the assumption that all the data have a linear relationship.

Cost accounting is used for several purposes, such as standard costing, activity-based costing, lean accounting, and marginal costing. Austin has been working with Ernst & Young for over four years, starting as a senior consultant before being promoted to a manager. At EY, he focuses on strategy, process and operations improvement, and business transformation consulting services focused on health provider, payer, and public health organizations. Austin specializes in the health industry but supports clients across multiple industries. Used in the field of management accounting, which is an essential part of accounting. A company needs to know the expected amount of factory overheads cost it will incur in the following month.

What are the advantages of High Low method?

Using either the high or low activity cost should yield approximately the same fixed cost value. Note that our fixed cost differs by $6.35 depending on whether we use the high or low activity cost. It is a nominal difference, sunpak 72 in 1 card reader and choosing either fixed cost for our cost model will suffice. As you can see from the scatter graph, there is really not a linear relationship between how many flight hours are flown and the costs of snow removal.

If the variable cost is a fixed charge per unit and fixed costs remain the same, it is possible to determine the fixed and variable costs by solving the system of equations. The manager of a hotel would like to develop a cost model to predict the future costs of running the hotel. Unfortunately, the only available data is the level of activity (number of guests) in a given month and the total costs incurred in each month. Being a new hire at the company, the manager assigns you the task of anticipating the costs that would be incurred in the following month (September). A cost that contains both fixed and variable costs is considered a mixed cost.

High Low method will give us the estimation of fixed cost and variable cost, the result may be changed when the total unit and cost of both point change. One of the assumptions that managers must make in order to use the cost equation is that the relationship between activity and costs is linear. A diagnostic tool that is used to verify this assumption is a scatter graph. Cost accounting is a type of managerial accounting that attempts to capture a company’s entire cost of production by analyzing both variable and fixed costs, such as a leasing fee. Such a cost function may be used in budgeting to estimate the total cost at any given level of activity, assuming that past performance can reasonably be projected into future. You can now use this cost equation to project future costs of client support calls for budgeting purposes.

Differentiating fixed and variable components can also aid in breakeven point analysis wherein you can determine the minimum revenue you need to reach breakeven point or the point at profit is zero. Therefore, total fixed costs for client support calls is $1,500 per month. In the side-by-side computation above, we’ve proven our point that regardless of which reference point we use, we still arrive at $1,500. The highest activity for the bakery occurred in October when it baked the highest number of cakes, while August had the lowest activity level with only 70 cakes baked at a cost of $3,750.